Occupational therapists and Physical Therapists help children with special needs to develop and build skills important for independent functioning and success in childhood.
OTs address specific skill areas including fine motor skills, upper body strength, visual-motor and visual –perceptual skills, handwriting, and self-care skills. Additionally, OT’s at DPK may identify sensory-based feeding disorders.
PT’s identify and treat problems with movement, posture, balance and coordination, and body position. Damage or abnormalities of the nervous system can affect a child’s movement skills, including rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking.
Both OT’s and PT’s at DPK are highly trained in the treatment of sensory processing disorders. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a complex disorder of the brain that affects developing children. Children with SPD misinterpret everyday sensory information, such as touch, sound, and movement. Depending on which type of SPD a child has, he may feel that he is overwhelmed with information, he may seek out intense sensory experiences, or he might have other symptoms. This can lead to behavioral problems, difficulties with coordination, inattention, and emotional outbursts.
Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists at DPK offer assessment and treatment services for a wide range of conditions and diagnoses, including:
ADD/ADHD Auditory Processing Issues Asperger’s Syndrome Autism Apraxia Cerebral Palsy Chromosomal Anomalies Coordination Difficulties Developmental Delay Down Syndrome Feeding Disorders Fine Motor Delay Gross Motor Delay Handwriting Difficulties Hypotonia Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) Sensory Integrative Dysfunctions
OT/PT Treatment methods & protocols include:
Congratulations to Developmental Pathways For Kids on being the on top Physical Therapist in Redwood City ranking of 2015.