Developmental Pathways for Kids (DPK) is a pediatric clinic in Redwood City, California, designed to be comfortable and stress-free yet is filled with fun and excitement for kids. At DPK, the therapists carefully analyze each therapy session to facilitate sensory-motor skill development, social communication, and build play skills. We adopt a unique approach to pediatric therapy, focusing on sensory integration.
Sensory integration is the organization of sensations for use. Sensory Integration refers to the function of the human brain that processes and uses the sensory information from within the body and from the external environment. Fun is the name of a child’s sensory integration. We believe play is their vehicle for sensory integration. For most kids, sensory integration skills develop naturally. For others, their sensory integration may not develop smoothly because of certain delays or impairments.
By addressing underlying sensory processing issues, we help children build the foundation for a bright future and enable them to reach their full potential. Working as a part of a multidisciplinary team strengthens our skillset and allows us to treat the whole child. Children are innately designed to enjoy activities that challenge them to experience new sensations and develop motor functions. At DPK, we offer just the right challenges necessary to make new pathways for success.
Using the latest techniques, knowledge, and intervention in pediatric therapy, we strive to provide each child with the best therapy that contributes to the success of their treatment plan. At DPK, we have taken the vague and fuzzy concepts of sensory integration and gave them form and substance by providing an environment and methods that translate into functional skill-building and success for kids.
We have facilitated many integrated playgroups. Play becomes a balanced partnership when sensory integration and integrated playgroups are combined. Throughout the integrated playground process, play is recognized not only as a vehicle to learning and development but as a most meaningful part of childhood that enables children to simply have fun and make friends.
Who We Serve
Developmental Pathways for Kids is a partnership of professionals committed to optimal developmental, social, and emotional outcomes for neurodivergent infants and children and their families. We are a family-centered facility that provides services to neurotypical individuals from birth through eight years of age, with a variety of diagnoses including but not limited to Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sensory Processing Disorders, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, ADHD, Sensory Deprivation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, Communication Delays, Muscular Dystrophy, and other learning, neurological, and psychosocial issues.
Our Staff
The staff at DPK also have a strong commitment to the community and are involved with a variety of community organizations, participate in a variety of support groups, serve as board members, and provide educational programs throughout the community and offer workshops throughout the United States based on the DPK model of combining sensory integration and integrated playgroups.
Make Pathways for Success
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