Pathways to Play!
Theme-based activities for facilitating Sensory Integration and Integrated Play Groups.

Written by: Glenda Fuge, MS, OTR and Rebecca Berry, MS, PT
This manual provides ideas for therapist and teachers working with children within the autism spectrum. It is designed to be used as a tool for pediatric occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech and language pathologists interested in providing structures peer play activities with a sensory motor foundation.
All play activities are based on a model developed at Developmental Pathways for Kids. By utilizing sensory integration strategies within an Integrated Play Groups format, therapists can add another dimension to treatment sessions.
All play themes and activities include facilitator prompts, a materials list, and developmental foundations addressed in each play activity. A worksheet page accompanies each play theme.
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Hearts and Hands Together
Written and Illustrated by Rebecca Berry, MS, PT and the First Grade students at Redeemer Lutheran School

We are all alike.
We all have hearts and hands.
We are all different.
We don’t feel or do things the same way.
This book was written by Rebecca Berry and the first-grade students at Redeemer Lutheran School about their experience with Claire, a child with autism, who joined their class. The book is designed to be used as a tool for neurotypical students so that they can become more sensitive to the differences and similarities that they share with neurodivergent peers.
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