Developmental Pathways for Kids is a partnership of professionals committed to optimal developmental, social and emotional outcomes for neurodivergent developing infants and children and their families. We provide individualized occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech and language services, small group programs, evaluation and consultation. The DPK models combines Sensory Integration Therapy and Integrated Play Groups® (Developed by Pamela Wolfberg www.autisminstitute.com) for neurodivergent children. This community based program is located on the Redeemer Lutheran Church and Schools’ property and provides a unique ministry opportunity for Redeemer Lutheran students and faculty.

Developmental Pathways for Kids has partnered with Redeemer Lutheran School students in a unique community service program. The Integrated Play Group® Program allows guided participation in play for children who encounter problems entering into imaginative and social play activities. This program supports children who have limited play skills (novice players) in mutually enjoyed play activities with the neurotypical peers (expert players). The program offers natural opportunities for children to make friendships and learn through play.

Each week over 100 students from Redeemer (“expert players”) join DPK clients in facilitated peer play groups. At DPK we have facilitated more than 6,000 play groups in our thirteen year partnership with Redeemer Lutheran School. The program has been a model for schools throughout the United States.